Packing for Storage: Essential Tips and Strategies
Moving items to storage is different from moving to a new home. It is important to pack and prepare belongings a certain to ensure items are stored safely. Here Are Few Tips For Preparing Your Items For Storage: Research storage restrictions: Be sure to check to see if the storage facility has restrictions on what can/can’t be stored. Create an inventory list of all items: Before packing belongings, create an inventory list of the items you plan to store. Keep a copy for yourself and leave one in storage unit. If you remove items or add items, be sure to update the inventory list. Get proper storage containers: Consider purchasing brand-new cardboard boxes that are strong enough to keep your things safer for longer. Label boxes: Carefully label each box in order to know what is inside. Also, be sure to list out specific items inside a box. Disassemble large items: Large items, such as beds and dining tables should be disassembled before placed into storage to save space.c Prepare appliances: For small kitchen appliances it is recommended to have them and the cords wrapped in bubble wrap or foam. For washer, fridge or dishwasher, leave the appliance doors slightly open to prevent mildew and moisture from building up. Follow the complete guide to kitchen packing tips for better information. Place items inside a storage unit strategically