7 Best Tips for Your Commercial Move

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We have covered almost everything that a business would need to make their next office move a grand success. But, there is one thing that we missed. We know that while businesses might have all the financial strength to get over the move, time is always a scarcity.

So to save your time, we have come up with a few top tips to help your commercial move be more efficient. Excited? Let’s get started!

7 Best Tips for Your Commercial Move

1.  Don’t waste time thinking and start early

Procrastination can let you down. You need to start the preparation process as early as possible. You should have complete knowledge of all your possessions so that you know what are the things that you have to take to your new office. Moving an office takes a lot of time and you should be prepared for it. Start organizing from the get-go to save yourself not only time but also a headache.

2. Don’t try fixing things and invest in proper supplies

Since you are moving your commercial possessions, you must keep the move as safe as possible. One of the best ways to do that is by investing in proper packing supplies right from the beginning of the move. You don’t have to go over the top and buy expensive packing supplies. Ensure that you buy essential packing supplies like cardboard moving boxes, clear zip lock bags, bubble wrap, packing tape, and markers for labeling.

3. Declutter like your life depends on it

You read that right. As a business owner, you know that there are things lying in the office that nobody is using. You must be dedicated to saving space in your next office. The best way to do that is by decluttering before you start packing stuff in your existing office. Get rid of the items that you no longer use or need an upgrade for.

4. Deploy a label-based numbering system

You must remember that while you are packing your stuff to move to the next office, you will also have to spend time to unpack and get things in order. To ensure that the latter process doesn’t take much time, you must try to keep track of the items by using a label based numbering system. In this, you will have to assign every employee as well as the different departments in your organization different numbers which will make packing and unpacking the items more efficient.

5. Pack equipment the correct way

Since you are moving a business, you must make sure that the essential equipment in your office is moved with at most safety. There might be many expensive and essential pieces of equipment that you are moving. So, you better use enough packing supplies to protect items like computers, monitors, cables, hard drives, routers, and more. The best way to do that is by providing enough cushioning by using heavy blankets, bubble wraps, and tightly sealing then with the help of a tape.

6. Office furniture needs special attention

Lastly, take care of your office furniture that includes office chairs, sofas, storage containers, cabinets, shelving units, and workspaces. The best way to move heavy furniture is by disassembling them. Most importantly, make sure that the furniture is well packed and not stacked on top of each other.

Wrapping Up

As a business owner, you should always be looking to get things done quickly without putting the safety of your employees and the equipment in jeopardy. The above-mentioned tips have been designed in a way that helps business owners ensure a perfect commercial move in 2021. Need help with your commercial move? Connect with us today!

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